Pure and simple, The Camera Suit is
the BEST-FLYING camera suit on the market, second to none for
control, maneuverability, and speed. The Camera Suit is designed,
manufactured, and marketed by experienced freefall photographers.
Malfunctions! A Visual Training Package
consists of 15, 11"x17" color "flashcards" (14 common canopy
malfunctions and one good canopy), The Instructional Video, and The
Drill Video. Malfunctions!
is available in either NTSC or PAL format.
Watch great skydives and enjoy the outrageous fun of apres'
skydiving from the The Lost Prairie Boogie, The Couch Freaks Boogie, The World Freefall
Convention, The
Phoenix/Z-Hills Easter Meet,
The U.S.
National Skydiving Championships, and
The Endless Fall -True Stories From An Early Sky-diver.