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Horseshoe Malfunction







Slider-up Snivel







Pilot chute under the nose







Bag Lock



on DVDA Visual Training Package

         Malfunctions! A Visual Training Package consists of 15, 11"x17" color "flashcards" (14 common canopy malfunctions and one good canopy), The Instructional Video, and The Drill Video.  Malfunctions! is available in either NTSC or PAL format, DVD or VHS.
         The canopy malfunctions depicted in the "flashcards" and both videos are:

1. Broken Lines
2. Line Twists
3. Bag Lock
4. Slider-up with Spin
5. Slider-up Snivel
6. Pilot Chute-in-tow
7. Closed Endcells
8. Line-Over
9. Slider-up with Twists
10. Square Reserve Out with Main Out
11. Round Reserve Out with Main Out
12. Streamer
13. Horseshoe
14. Pilot Chute Under the Nose

         All photos and scenes in the videos show the same  canopy to provide consistency in the three presentations.

         The Instructional Video (15 minutes long) is narrated by a U.S.P.A. Safety and Training Advisor, who describes and explains the various malfunctioning canopy situations.  Emergency procedures are deliberately not presented, allowing the individual Instructor to address and emphasize corrective actions.

          The Drill Video (15 minutes long) is designed to be used by the Instructor to test the student's recognition ability of the 14 common malfunctions and a good canopy. All of the canopy situations are shown and identified on the video; during the last half of the video, each situation is randomly shown twice,  numbered but unidentified, for approximately 10 seconds. The Instructor can direct the students to identify each numbered scene as to type of malfunction.

  To Order Malfunctions!

 For U.S. and Canadian orders in NTSC format click  

For European orders in PAL format click 

Or send check or money order for $195.00US ($210.00US for PAL format) plus shipping, drawn on a U.S. bank, payable to:

Skyhi Visual Productions
1752 Emerson St.
Denver, CO 80218   U.S.A.

For orders shipped to U.S. and Canada, please add $8.00US for U.S. Priority Mail.
For orders shipped to Europe, please add $22.00US for Air Parcel Post.

Your order will be shipped by return U.S. Priority Mail (2-3 day delivery) or U.S. Air Parcel Post (5-7 day delivery).\

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Skyhi Visual Productions
1752 Emerson Street
          Denver, Colorado  80218
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